The Humane Society Hastings Prince Edward (formally known as Quinte Humane Society) has provided an update to the community this week about their fundraising campaign.
The organization has been raising money to build a new facility at 34 Wallbridge Loyalist Road. Their current site on Avonlough Road is no longer suitable to house their operation. The building is getting very old and their has been ongoing issues.
Their capital campaign right now has raised $3.1 million of their $5 million dollar goal. The money will cover the build.
Donation have come from the municipalities of Belleville, Quinte West and Marmora, as well as the John M. and Bernice Parrott Foundation.
Staff are now looking to fundraise the remaining $2 million in the next year, under the campaign name, “It Takes Heart.”
The group hopes to fundraise further down the road, to add a vet clinic and community and education centre.
Construction on the new building is set to start in a few weeks.