Brandi Hodge, Executive Director of United Way HPE / Submitted.
The local United Way has released the following statement this morning.
United Way Hastings & Prince Edward Needs Help to Reach Goal of $2.25M
United Way Hastings & Prince Edward is concerned about its ability to achieve the 2024 campaign goal of $2.25M. Currently sitting at 60% of its fundraising goal with just over 6 weeks remaining, the organization is tracking behind where it would like to be.
“These are still relatively early days” says Brandi Hodge, Executive Director of United Way HPE “however, trends are showing us that, for the first time since 2018, we will have a hard time crossing the finish line.”
The United Way HPE campaign currently supports 46 local organizations across the Hastings and Prince Edward region. The annual application process has recently closed for United Way funds, and the organization is oversubscribed for more than $1M. As the campaign progresses, United Way is calling on individuals, businesses, and organizations to rally together and help. Contributions, large or small, will play a crucial role in supporting the many local programs and services that rely on United Way’s funding to serve vulnerable populations.
With more than six weeks remaining in the campaign, there is still time to make a difference. United Way Hastings & Prince Edward remains focused on its goal of building a stronger, more resilient community for everyone.
Through to Christmas Eve, the Holiday Gift Wrap at Quinte Mall is available during mall hours. United Way HPE volunteers will be on hand to assist with wrapping your holiday gifts and all proceeds support United Way HPE.
This fundraising campaign will continue until January 31, 2025. Community members wishing to donate can do so by contacting the United Way HPE office at 613.962.9531 or www.unitedwayhpe.ca/donate .