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Habitat For Humanity Prince Edward-Hastings has released the following message today.
Meaning of Home contest invites children to answer, “What does home mean to you?”
It’s that time of year again! Students in grades 4, 5 and 6 are invited to answer the question “What does home mean to you?” in our annual Meaning of Home writing contest. Until February 21, 2025, every student who enters a poem or essay will help Habitat for Humanity Prince Edward-Hastings (Habitat PEH) build safe and affordable homes. This year, our goal is to receive 250 submissions, contributing to 17,000 student submissions across Canada!
Access to safe and affordable housing continues to be a top priority for all Canadians, including children, who understand how it can provide their family with a place to pursue their dreams and build a better life. Our model of affordable homeownership helps families in need of housing to buy their own home through an affordable mortgage geared to income — helping them build a strong foundation and the financial stability to plan for their children’s futures.
“Every child deserves a safe place to call home,” says Pedro Barata, President and CEO of Habitat for Humanity Canada. “We know the positive impact housing has on children which is what we often see reflected in the contest entries. It’s why this contest is so meaningful and why we continue building and advocating for more affordable housing for all families.” Founded in 2007 by SagenTM 1, the Meaning of Home contest has raised over $2.7 million while encouraging thousands of students to become more active and compassionate citizens. Last year, close to 15,000 entries (180 of those from Hastings County) raised $327,000, helping families across Canada build a brighter future through affordable homeownership.
“We are very proud of this initiative as it continues to increase awareness about the need for affordable homeownership in Canada,” said Stuart Levings, President and CEO, SagenTM. “It is rewarding to see our youth take great pride in their homes and families with words of hopes and dreams as they become more engaged in the well-being of their communities.”
Every local student who enters the contest will help Habitat PEH build safe and affordable homes by earning a $10 donation to us in their name. Across Canada, three grand prize winners will also receive a $30,000 grant to help their local Habitat for Humanity build homes for families in need of affordable housing. In addition, nine runners-up will receive a $10,000 grant for their local Habitat for Humanity.
“The numerous benefits a safe, secure home provides for children cannot be emphasized enough, including improved physical and mental health, leading to an increased likelihood of attending post-secondary education. The “Meaning of Home” contest is a unique way for students across Canada to share what having a stable home truly means to them, in their own words – while giving back to the community.”, states Hazzem Koudsi, CEO of Habitat PEH. The submissions from last year resulted in $1,800 raised for this affiliate, and 3 students in the community won local prizes from Couture Candy and Toys R Us, along with a pizza party donated by Domino’s Pizza for a class from Parkdale PS!
Teachers or parents who are interested in having their grade 4, 5 or 6 students participate can access an educational module at meaningofhome.ca that includes writing tips and information on affordable housing issues in Canada. Entries can be submitted via mail or online. For any questions or interest in having a Habitat PEH representative visit your school please reach out to Meg – megl@habitatpeh.org. Winners will be announced by June 2025.
The Meaning of Home contest would not be possible without the generous support of founding sponsor SagenTM and awards sponsors Urban Systems Foundation and Face to Face Games.