The local police force has issued the following statement today, as concern around COVID-19 continues across the community.
“The Belleville Police Service continues to monitor the impacts of COVID 19 on our community in partnership with the City of Belleville and the Hastings and Prince Edward Health Unit.
Our main focus is the health, safety and well being of our community and staff.
Based on information received the decision has been made to restrict public access to our facility effective Friday, December 24th at 9 a.m. The doors to the front lobby will be locked and anyone attending will be required to complete a series of non- intrusive COVID screening questions before being granted access.
We are asking members of our community to refrain from attending at police headquarters unless absolutely necessary and we will not be accepting in person criminal record check applications. These will still be accepted online at www.police.belleville.on.ca
Anyone who requires a Freedom of Information application, to be fingerprinted, or who is picking up a criminal record check will be permitted to do so once properly screened.
Please note that the building will continue to be closed outside of normal business hours and these restrictions have been put in place for the protection and peace of mind of our staff as well as the general public. They will remain in place indefinitely as we monitor the effects of COVID locally.”