It’s the season of patio weather, graduation ceremonies, and events! If you have some time to spare, looking to expand your skill set, or just get out and socialize more, then volunteering is a great place to start.
Volunteer Information Quinte connects people with organizations and agencies in need.
Here is the VIQ Update this week:
*The Bay of Quinte Relay For Life will be held at Trenton High School this year! The community event takes place on Saturday, June 8th. The volunteer committee is looking for several people to help set up and tear down. Here is a list from the team.
Setup on June 8 (start time: 0930 – 1:00pm) and Tear Down on June 9, 24 (2:00-4:00 pm timing may change weather dependent) – placement and building of tents, including tables/chairs and signage , taking them down after the event and loading them in the U- haul.
2. Parking – directing and assisting participants where to park vehicles and assist bringing kit items to their team site location times between 12:00-4:00 pm.
3. Logistics – assisting with whatever logistics items JR needs help with throughout the day.
4. Luminaries – assist with table setup between (11:00-12:00 pm) and decorating / placement of purchased luminaries on the track prior to final track walk approximately 7:00-9:30 pm.
5. Main Stage and Games in Center Field of Track – Abby team lead will direct which games will be played, how they will be played and assist individuals playing the games – timings between 2:00 – 8:30 pm.
6. Event Coordinator Assistant – Karen White is the event coordinator so whatever items she needs help with will direct where the support is best needed throughout the full day of the event between 2:00 – 10:30 pm.
7. Photographer – 2:00 – 10:00 pm take photos during the event or however long person is available for.
*The Community Development Council of Quinte, known as CDC Quinte, is looking for drivers for the Good Food Box program. People are also needed to help pack and unload donations.
*If you enjoy meeting new people, Community Living Belleville has a unique opportunity. Community Living is looking for people who can meet up with clients one-on-one. Volunteers can take the clients out for coffee, act as a swimming buddy, or just be there for a chat. The time commitment is flexible.
*Gardeners are needed in Quinte West. People are needed to help the Quinte West Garden team with community gardens. Tasks include weeding, planting, and harvesting produce. Quinte West Gardens is also looking for people to help out with special events including plant sales and Doors Open Quinte West.
*If you love live music, then VIQ can be your ticket to an outdoor music festival in Belleville. Empire Rockfest is July 18, 19th, and 20th. Volunteers are needed for a variety of roles. Tasks include checking wristbands, helping people with directions, and supporting the stage area. Smart Serve volunteers are needed to work behind the bar. Shifts are from 4:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. each night.
*Drivers are needed to help Community Care Prince Edward Association. People are needed to drive clients to and from medical appointments and out for errands.
*The Alternative’s for Women team is also in need of support. They need people to drive clients around Prince Edward County. They also require volunteers to help with building maintenance, donations, and events.
*The Museums of Prince Edward County have some unique volunteer opportunities at five of its locations in the county: Front-desk receptions and hosts are needed at some of the museums. Several volunteers will get a chance to dress in period costumes and deliver programming. The museums in need of volunteers are: Macaulay House, the Ameliasburgh Heritage Village, Wellington Heritage Museum, Mariner’s Park Museum, and the Rose House Museum.
Volunteer Information Quinte refers volunteers to more than 275 agencies throughout Hastings and Prince Edward counties. They are currently recruiting volunteers to fulfill the needs of our community. Please contact 613-969-8862 or visit our website at www.viq.ca for more information. VIQ is a United Way Member Agency.
You can listen to the VIQ Update Thursday at 9:40 a.m. and Saturdays at 7:40 a.m.