Students of Loyalist College: Here’s YOUR chance to get involved with your radio station, 91X (CJLX-FM). Applications are now being accepted to fill SEVEN student positions of the Board of Directors for 2025-2026.
91X (CJLX-FM) is an incorporated not-for-profit organization, controlled by an independent Board of Directors.
This board consists of 12 regular members:
-7 are students elected each spring for a one-year term.
-2 faculty reps, who sit for two-year terms.
-3 reps from the community at large, appointed for three-year terms.
Duties of the Board of Directors
The Board oversees the “business” end of running 91X and the corporation. This would include setting budgets, major policies, overseeing station staff.
While most of the day-to-day business and operations are handled by station management, the Board has ultimate control on the direction the station takes, from a business stance. The station management reports to, and often receives direction from, the Board.
The Board usually holds six meetings over the course of the academic year: April, October, November, January, February and March. The Board may call additional meetings if there is an important issue that needs attention.
Board membership eligibility:
Student members of the Board must:
-be intending to return as a student at Loyalist College in the fall of 2025.
-10 of the 12 regular board positions must be held by Canadians. Up to two board positions may be held by non-Canadians.
-at least one seat is reserved for a member of the Loyalist Indigenous student community.
Election Process:
There are two steps to becoming a Board member: Application and the Election (if necessary).
Applications are open February 10, 2025, and will close at 4:00pm, Friday, February 28, 2025
Should more than seven applications be received, an election may be called to determine who fills the student rep positions. Potential election date to be determined.
This is an excellent leadership opportunity and resume-builder for Loyalist students. If you can spare approximately an hour, six times during the academic tear. why not consider joining us?!
Involvement with the Board of Directors qualifies for a Loyalist Co-Curricular Record certificate.